Collectively we know so little about the eco-systems in our own backyards. Lets explore the creatures under our feet, in the water and over our heads by conducting bio blitz that will be documented by professional photographer Scott Lapham. Each bio blast will conclude by sharing a composite photograph showcasing the plants, animals, textures, colors and landscapes we find from each eco-system explored. It is more important that ever for us all to be curious and to more deeply understand that everything in our natural world is interconnected.
* Bio Blitz - (events where interested participants document as much flora and fauna in a prescribed area during a prescribed time as possible)
Woonasquantucket River, Providence RI
1. Paper Wasp Nest
2. Black Nosed Dace
3. Cormorant
4. Cottontail Rabbit
5. Great Blue Heron
6. Common Snapping Turtle
7. Crayfish
8. Canadian Geese - Downtown Providence
9. Mallard Ducks
10. Herring
11. Fall Fish
12. White Tailed Deer
13. White Sucker
14. Menhadden
15. Blue Crab
16. Bullfrog
17. Blue Gill Sunfish
18. Ghost Shrimp
19. Common Sulfur
20. Herring
Pine Scrub Forest and Ocean Coast Line, Truro Massachusetts
01 Pine Scrub Forest
02 Sea Gull w/ Crab
03 Unidentified Sandpiper
04 Cormorant
05 Unidentified White Moth
06 Unidentified Insect
07 Dunes w/ Marram Grass and Dusty Miller
08 Green Crabs
09 Surf
10 Mummichog
11 Dunes
12 Ruddy Turnstone
13 Pine Scrub Forest
14 Unidentified Mushroom
15 Pine Scrub Forest
16 Two Striped Grasshopper
17 Red Fox
18 American Crow
19 Unidentified Sea Gull
20 Scarcities Ground Beetle
Deciduous Rhode Island Forest
01 Grey Tree Frog
02 Paper Wasp Nest
03 Field Cricket
04 Bullfrog Pollywog
05 Tree Fungus
06 Leopard Frog Pollywog
07 Sunfish
08 Jewelweed
09 Crayfish
10 Hummingbird
11 Earthworm
12 Shagbark Hickory Bark
13 Ringneck Snake
14 Bullfrog
15 Spotted Salamander
16 Wood Frog
17 Bull Frog Tadpoles
18 Blue Gill Sunfish
19 Unidentified Larva
20 Unidentified Grasshopper
Corkscew Bald Cypress Swamp
1. Bald Cypress w/ Great Blue Heron
2. Glass Lizard
3. Wet Swamp
4. Red Corn Snake
5. Red Shouldered Hawks
6. Bromeliad on Bald Cypress
7. Pig Frog
8. Immature Little Blue Heron
9. Venusta Orchard Spider
10. Unidentified Warbler
11. White Ibis
12. Old Growth Cypress Swamp
13. Dragon Fly
14. Florida Chicken Turtle
15. Zebra Longwing Butterfly
16. Rat Snake
17. Painted Bunting
18. Great Blue Heron
19. Northern Cardinal
20. American Alligator
21. Anhinga Eating
22. Pinewoods Hammok
23. Apple Snail Show
24. Manatee
25. Bald Cypress Roots
26. Mourning Dove
27. Water Beetle Bugs
28. Red Headed Woodpecker
29. Swamp Rabbit
30. Brown Anole